ZENIGO started 7 and a half years ago in Madrid, Spain.
First, focusing on the promotion of Mexican textile art, especially textiles made based on
ancestral artisan techniques such as weaving on a wooden loom and backstrap loomand hand embroidery.

The brand works with the Mexican Embassy in Spain, being included in exhibitions ofart and culture around the world in emblematic places such asReina Sofía Museum, theMexican Embassy in Madrid and the Centro Cultural Conde Duque in Madrid.

Once with our own designs, ZENIGO begins to be seen in avant-garde fashion eventsand catwalks in Spain, collaborating with the Mexican platform “México está de Moda”.

ZENIGO: the fusion of ZEN lifestyle with ZÄNIGO
which in the OTOMI language means Joy & Color.

ZENIGO arrived in Tulum in 2016, opening its firstboutique, located in the Hotel Zone of this MagicalTown, and then focusing on the distribution of itspieces in exclusive boutiques in the area.

Today ZENIGO is at its peak of evolution, because wehave achieved that our drive, being the help of thepeople and the environment through our sustainablefashion design, merges with the ZEN that we want tospread. What does this mean? ZENIGO's mainobjective is: "Spread Consciousness"

Consciousness towards intelligent consumption,awareness towards caring for the environment,awareness towards the support and sustentationof tribes and emblematic communities of Mexicanpre-Hispanic culture, and awareness of one's ownbeing, since without the latter, everything else doesnot exist

Therefore, ZENIGO more than a fashion brand, it becomes a platform that offersethical, slow and sustainable fashion hand in hand with the offer of ZEN practicesderived from the knowledge of RAJA YOGA (Yoga of the mind) where we share andteach sessions for a conscious, happy, calm, caring and ZEN lifestyle.